Hair Treatment Ahmedabad

Hair loss

  • A careful evaluation into the cause and appropriate treatment, most often reverses the problem.
  • Every patient is carefully analysed, the scalp and hair condition assessed and treatment is planned.
Hair Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad
Hair Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad

Hair thinning

  • Hair thinning leading to decrease in hair density may be linked with hormonal changes, diet, nutrient deficiencies, or can be hereditary. Medical therapy along with procedures like PRP, Mesotherapy and scalp micro needling can reverse the thinning process.

Alopecia Areata

  • Alopecia Areata is a condition wherein patients start developing bald patches on scalp or beard. It is an autoimmune disorder triggered by mainly stress, which could either be physical or psychological.
  • Patients with alopecia areata need to be treated at the earliest before the patches progress and increase.
Hair Loss Treatment in Ahmedabad

Hair Disorders

  • Other hair related disorders are also treated at our clinic such as:
  • Dandruff
    Seborrheic dermatitis
    Scalp psoriasis

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant procedures have earned a good reputation among all other hair loss solution. Earlier the hair transplant procedures were been criticized and still some of the hair loss sufferers misjudge the procedure which halt their way to undergo a brilliant hair loss solution.

Hair transplant

Result Oriented Approach

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